Andy Bernard throws a fancy garden party at Schrute Farms to impress his parents and Robert California. This page includes every line from The Office season 8 episode 4 \"Garden Party\", including character names and more!
Jim Halpert:(entering office) Hey. So, we saw a new billboard.
Andy Bernard:Yeah? Pretty cool, huh?
Andy Bernard:What better way to announce our new slightly lower prices than with an ad campaign? And what better face for an ad campaign than our new regional manager?
Andy Bernard:How'd it look?
Jim Halpert:You've seen it, right?
Andy Bernard:No.
Pam Beesly:Andy, somebody defaced it.
Andy Bernard:What? (Stanley enters office laughing) Morning, Stanley.
Jim Halpert:There's this thing that people tend to do with billboards. How do I put this? If there's an opportunity for a graffiti artist to work in a... phallic shape, interacting with the artwork, it'll happen, and Andy gave them that opportunity.
Andy Bernard:Erin, how long did we order those billboards for?
Erin Hannon:Six months.
Andy Bernard:Oh, god. I need you to call the billboard company.
Meredith Palmer:(entering office) Great billboard! Funny, edgy, right up to the line without crossing it, loved it.
Andy Bernard:Which one did you see?
Meredith Palmer:Washington Street, the one with, like, twenty dongs on it.
Jim Halpert:Okay, don't be gross.
Dwight Schrute:(entering office) What's going on?
Pam Beesly:Somebody defaced the billboards we just put out in an inappropriate way.
Dwight Schrute:Oh, that's funny. Wait, from the photo shoot with you and me?
Andy Bernard:Yeah, Dwight.
Dwight Schrute:No. No. No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! (running from building) No, no, no, no, no, no, No, No, No, NO, NO! NO! NO! NO! (stopping in front of defaced billboard) NOOOOOOOOO!
Dwight Schrute:Schrute Farms is very easy to find, it's right in the middle of the root vegetable district. If the soil starts to get acidic, you've probably gone too far.
Ryan Howard:Just give us the address. We'll look it up online.
Dwight Schrute:It's simpler this way.
Oscar Martinez:It's really not.
Andy Bernard:Now, stated arrival time is 3 p.m.
Kelly Kapoor:I don't get the reason for this party.
Phyllis Vance:Yeah, what's the reason?
Kelly Kapoor:What's the reason, Andy? What's the reason?
Andy Bernard:It's just a garden party. Sheesh.
Andy Bernard:You don't need a reason to throw a garden party anymore than you need a reason to throw a birthday party. It's a garden party. You don't need a reason.
Andy Bernard:Few other super simple reminders – no burping, no slurping, when eating take small bites and chew thoroughly with your mouth closed. Yes, Darryl?
Darryl Philbin:What happens when we're done chewing? Do we spit it out on the floor, or keep it in our mouths the rest of the time?
Andy Bernard:I get it, I'm being a little overbearing. But I promise to be underbearing for a week if you guys just all... step it up.
Oscar Martinez:Andy, we understand basic table manners, we're not children.
Phyllis Vance:Yeah, it's just a picnic.
Andy Bernard:This is not a picnic, Phyllis, it's a garden party.
Darryl Philbin:There's a grill in the warehouse I could bring.
Andy Bernard:Aw, ew, please don't. Not a barbecue. It's better than a barbecue. It's dignified, quieter, there are rules.
Pam Beesly:How is that better than a barbecue?
Ryan Howard:What's the dress code on this?
Andy Bernard:I'm glad you asked – Connecticut Casual.
Stanley Hudson:Any chance Connecticut Casual is Pennsylvania Business, i.e. this is what I'm wearing to your party.
Andy Bernard:Guys, my family just threw a garden party to celebrate my brother's promotion. It was a huge success. Check it out, there's a video online. Heartwarming impromptu father-son duet. (video playing on computer)
Kevin Malone:Yeah, Oscar, you showed me this.
Darryl Philbin:I've seen this, that's not you.
Meredith Palmer:Yeah, whoa, who's the sausage?
Andy Bernard:It's my dad and my brother. I would have joined in but this melody doesn't really support another harmony part, so... Check it out, that's my brother's boss. Look how psyched he is, he's having an awesome time.
Jim Halpert:Ah, and did Robert California get an invite to your party?
Andy Bernard:Yeah, of course. Ye... I mean, uh, yeah, I think he did. (groans from the group)
Phyllis Vance:Why didn't you just say this was to impress Robert California?
Gabe Lewis:I cannot believe that Andy is throwing a party like this just to impress the CEO. Classic Gabe move. Hey Andy, how about you don't steal my business strategies, and I won't dress like my life is just one long brunch?
Andy Bernard:See you all there at 3 p.m., Connecticut Casual, remember your manners, and have a wonderful time.
Dwight Schrute:And please refer to the map, stay off of the web. Thank you.
Jim Halpert:(pointing to computer monitor) So, we've typed in the address, now let's take a look at the street view. (picture of Dwight and Mose on a see-saw)
Dwight Schrute:They don't warn you when the cameras are driving by.
Jim Halpert:Ah. Why do you keep reading that garden party book? I mean, how hard are finger sandwiches and tea?
Dwight Schrute:There's so much more to it than that.
Dwight Schrute:I've been wanting Schrute Farms to break into the high-end event hosting industry for some time, and this party is a great opportunity. Plus, I've got a secret weapon. (holds up book, Throwing A Garden Party by James Trickington) Only one copy in the world and some sucker on the internet sold it to me for two dollars. (laughs)
Jim Halpert:I'm actually really disappointed in how poorly my book is doing. (holds up same book) I've only sold one copy.
Angela Martin:Is there anything you wish you had done differently to avoid cankles?
Pam Beesly:Nope.
Angela Martin:I've already gone up another cup size. The senator is grossed out. When do you start feeling it kick?
Pam Beesly:Cece was around 22 weeks, but Phillip was much earlier.
Angela Martin:Phillip?
Pam Beesly:Oh, oh my gosh. Yes, but don't, don't say anything, okay? It's after my grandfather.
Angela Martin:Phillip is the name that we're using. It's after my favorite cat.
Pam Beesly:(giggling) Oh, wow. Funny. It's after my grandfather.
Angela Martin:It's after my cat.
Robert California:(on the phone) Andrew, I've picked up two possible gifts to bring this afternoon. One, a pot of marmalade.
Andy Bernard:Ooh, that sounds great.
Robert California:Well, that, that is what you want then, the marmalade.
Andy Bernard:Sure.
Robert California:You don't want to hear the other one. You love marmalade.
Andy Bernard:Uh, I'll hear the other one.
Robert California:It's a basil plant.
Andy Bernard:You know, the marmalade sounds great.
Robert California:I also mentioned the marmalade to my sister and she's very interested.
Andy Bernard:Then the basil will be fine.
Robert California:Well, you clearly want the marmalade. Gretchen, I need another marmalade. Alright. (hangs up)
Toby Flenderson:Hey, where do I park?
Mose:I'm the valet. You have to give me your car.
Toby Flenderson:Uh, you know what, I can go park it myself.
Mose:I'm the... I'm the valet. You have to give me your car.
Toby Flenderson:It's probably okay...
Mose:Give me your car.
Toby Flenderson:I think it's better that I...
Mose:Give me your car.
Toby Flenderson:It's a finicky car...
Mose:Get out. Have a good time at the thing.
Toby Flenderson:It's a little tricky, you might have to... take... (Mose speeds away)
Dwight Schrute:MR. RYAN HOWARD!
Jim Halpert:Chapter 2 – Announcing guests as they enter is the height of decorum. The more volume displayed, the more honor is bestowed upon everyone present.
Andy Bernard:How's it going over here, guys?
Oscar Martinez:Andy, stop hovering, you're being really annoying.
Andy Bernard:Didn't mean to bother you, Mabel. Mabel, Mabel, if you're able, keep your elbows off the table.
Oscar Martinez:Wow.
Walter:So, you all work with Andy.
Andy Bernard:Well, technically FOR Andy.
Oscar Martinez:Technically FOR Robert California. He's our CEO.
Ellen:I thought you were the CEO.
Andy Bernard:I don't know how you got there.
Walter:You said you were running the company.
Andy Bernard:This branch, I'm the regional manager.
Walter:Yes, that makes more sense. Are you all regional managers?
Andy Bernard:Did I throw this party to impress my parents? That's crazy. Now, if they wanted a garden party, they could throw one themselves, which, as a matter of fact, they did, last week. They threw one for my baby brother who is totally amazing, but I couldn't care less.
Andy Bernard:Can I introduce you around now?
Walter:Uh, yeah, we don't have too long, we have theater tickets.
Andy Bernard:What are you going to see?
Walter:Money Ball. Walter Jr.'s choice.
Andy Bernard:What??
Walter Jr:Hey Bronard!
Andy Bernard:I didn't know you were going to be here.
Walter Jr:I wouldn't have missed it.
Erin Hannon:Ahh! (bird steals her hat)
Walter Jr:I'm Walter, Andy's younger brother.
Jim Halpert:Oh, hey, how are you doing, I'm Jim.
Walter Jr:Tuna, right? And this must be your lovely wife Pam (looking at Meredith).
Jim Halpert:No.
Meredith Palmer:Hell no. She wishes.
Jim Halpert:No, no, no, no, no. No.
Waiter:Sir, I need to be able to feed all the guests.
Kevin Malone:(mouthful of food) I understand.
Dwight Schrute:Set that down. (grabs waitress) Present yourself.
Jim Halpert:Chapter 4 – One of the host's most important duties is as Dance Master. A proper courtly dance sets the tone for the entire afternoon.
Robert California:Hello Andy.
Andy Bernard:Welcome.
Robert California:Thank you.
Andy Bernard:Hey, I want you to meet my first bosses, Mom and Dad.
Robert California:Yes, hello, nice to meet you.
Robert California:Andy, where shall I put your basil plant?
Andy Bernard:Oh, I thought you were going to bring marmalade.
Robert California:No, I'm certain you said basil.
Ryan Howard:This is not funny, man, let me down.
Kevin Malone:I think this thing is broken.
Ryan Howard:It's not broken, Kevin. This is how it works.
Andy Bernard:So pretty today.
Ellen:It's getting chilly.
Walter:We really should be leaving.
Andy Bernard:Yeah, um, it would be weird if the boss man didn't make a toast, so, hang on. Everybody, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming, and to raise a glass to my amazing staff.
Andy Bernard:Toasts are great. I mean, you toast somebody, they toast you back. It just goes round and round. That's my favorite part about toasts, the reciprocity.
Andy Bernard:Let's hear from you guys, who do you want to toast?
Darryl Philbin:Yeah, I'll say something. I think we should be acknowledging our boss, because none of us would be here without him. Robert California! (everyone toasts)
Gabe Lewis:I can't believe I didn't think of toasting Robert. Get in the game, Gabriel! Why are you talking to Stanley's mistress?
Angela Martin:I would like to toast someone who isn't here but who will be in just four short months. Welcome to the world, Phillip Lipton!
Pam Beesly:I also would like to toast Phillip Halpert, who is due even sooner. May he be a good namesake to my grandfather who I promised as a child long before tonight that I would one day name my son after him. To Phillip Halpert!
Angela Martin:She just always has to copy anything I do! It's the Ford Taurus situation all over again!
Ryan Howard:I'd like to make a toast to the troops. All the troops. Both sides.
Erin Hannon:I think we should toast...
Dwight Schrute:Ladies and gentlemen! The last supper.
Jim Halpert:Chapter 9 – The tableau vivant is not only welcomed, but expected entertainment at any garden party.
Kevin Malone:Andy? I think we should acknowledge the man who has led us to such a profitable quarter. To Robert California.
Gabe Lewis:I would also like to toast Robert California. Mr. California,...
Andy Bernard:You can't triple toast somebody! At least not until we get everyone once.
Robert California:I'll say a few words if that's alright with you, Andy.
Andy Bernard:Yeah, yeah.
Robert California:You people say I led you, but it wasn't me. You want to toast the man who led you to success, but the boss is irrelevant. Andy and I, we produce nothing. We do nothing. We sit in our offices and demand, I want this and that right now, like petulant children. You know, the difference between a crying baby and a manager, one day the baby will grow up. But, without you, Andy and I would be sitting in our dirty diapers, waiting for someone to change us, wipe us. I should be toasting you, thanking you, for allowing me to have the easiest job in the universe. Cheers.
Gabe Lewis:To Robert California, from the moment you entered our building and our hearts, you...
Andy Bernard:Some of you know that we have an internet star in our midst. Mr. Walter Baynes Bernard Sr., please report to the stage!
Walter:I'm eating, Andy.
Andy Bernard:Ah, come on!
Walter:Okay. Okay.
Andy Bernard:Yes!
Walter:What do you want to do?
Andy Bernard:Well, how about one of our classic father/son duets? (starts playing guitar)
Walter:Oh, whoa, sure? Really? It's a little tricky.
Andy Bernard:(singing) Saying I love you is not the words...
Walter:It's too high.
Andy Bernard:Yeah?
Walter:It's high but it's not that high.
Andy Bernard:Right, it feels strange.
Walter:Just take it down a little.
Andy Bernard:Saying I love... Saying I love you...
Walter:Here, give it to me. Okay. Uh, something like... (singing) Saying I love you is...
Andy & Walter:...not the words...
Walter:You don't come in yet. (singing) ...I want to hear from you, It's not that I want you...
Andy & Walter:...not to say it but if you only knew... More than words is all you have to do to make it real...
Andy Bernard:Is anyone filming this? Seriously! Erin!
Erin Hannon:(holding up cell phone) It's either taping or calling.
Andy & Walter:What would you do if my heart was torn in two...
Walter:You know what, Walter Jr. is here. Why don't you come up and join us?
Walter Jr:Dad, no. I'm just having a good time getting to know Andy's friends here.
Meredith Palmer:Get up there and sing or I will cut your larynx and you'll never be able to sing again. Woo!
Walter & Walter Jr:(singing) May the good lord be with you down every road you roam. And may sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home. And may you grow to be proud, dignified and true. And do unto others as you'd have done to you...
Andy Bernard:(applauds) Cheers! Alright! Cheers, cheers, cheers, get your own guitar.
Erin's Cell Phone:If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again.
Erin Hannon:Sorry.
Kelly Kapoor:I am so cold.
Ryan Howard:That's because you didn't bring a jacket.
Dwight Schrute:My first love is beet farming, but it's a young man's game. Who ever heard of an old beet farmer?
Robert California:Forget the beets. Concentrate on the hosting. I could spend a considerable amount of money having my birthday party here.
Dwight Schrute:Oh really? Well, we have a number of birthday packages. The Pewter Package has the least amount of goats, not no goats, it's still 10-12 goats, depending on the availability of the goats. Now the Goat Package obviously has the most goats. What were you thinking?
Robert California:Of course I am not interested in goats. Why would you spend so much time going over the goats with me?
Dwight Schrute:I can get you exotic meats – hippo steaks, giraffe burgers...
Robert California:We'll talk. (walks away)
Dwight Schrute:It'll all be goat.
Andy Bernard:Hello, Cece Halpert? This is Andrew Bernard. I'd very much like to speak with you about your paper supply needs. That wasn't even my worst sales call.
Walter:(knocks) Hi. What was that display?
Andy Bernard:I don't know, I just thought if I could throw this great garden party and show you how respected I am that you'd be proud of me.
Andy Bernard:I know, I know that you're proud of me.
Walter:I'm not going to tell you how impressed I am that you're a manager of some rinky dink branch of a paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. How long are you going to go on needing my approval? You're a grown man, don't act like a little boy who needs...
Darryl Philbin:I think if I had parents like that I'd be trying to convince everyone all the time how great I was, too.
Oscar Martinez:Guess we found Andy's rosebud.
Darryl Philbin:Rosebud?
Oscar Martinez:It's a reference to Citizen Kane. Something that explains why a person became the way they are.
Darryl Philbin:I know Citizen Kane. Rosebud didn't explain why he was how he was, it just represented what was important to him as a child, that he missed.
Oscar Martinez:Different school of thought. Let's just agree to disagree.
Darryl Philbin:No. You're wrong.
Robert California:Are you sure?
Ryan Howard:Yeah! I'm too hot anyway.
Robert California:My body has somehow become acclimated to southern Italy. Isn't that strange? I've never been there! Oh, ah, yes, that's nice. Thank you.
Walter:It was a nice party, the setting was a little strange. Uh, the food...
Ellen:Sandwiches were dry.
Walter Jr:Bye Tuna, bye Pam!
Andy Bernard:Hey everybody, I'm gonna leave and I just wanted to say I'm really sorry.
Darryl Philbin:Cheeseburger or hamburger.
Andy Bernard:Um, cheeseburger.
Oscar Martinez:Narddog. (throws Andy a can)
Andy Bernard:Thanks, Oscar.
Pam Beesly:What are they doing?
Jim Halpert:Closing ceremonies.
Pam Beesly:Nice touch.
Jim Halpert:I think I left my wallet in your house.
Dwight Schrute:Who cares.
Jim Halpert:Right here.
Dwight Schrute:MR. JAMES HALPERT!
Jim Halpert:Keys, keys...
Dwight Schrute:Stop forgetting things.
Jim Halpert:I didn't forget them, they're right here.
Dwight Schrute:MR. JAMES HALPERT!
Jim Halpert:I'm so sorry, I think I forgot that thing...
Dwight Schrute:What? Idiot.
Jim Halpert:Whoo.
Dwight Schrute:MIS... MI... What are you doing?
Jim Halpert:Hey, I have a question. Who do you think is really the best salesman in this office?
Dwight Schrute:That's a stupid question, obviously mISTER JAMES HALPERT!
In The Office episode 4 season 8, "Garden Party," Andy throws an elaborate garden party. He wants to impress CEO Robert California. He also seeks his parents' approval. Andy's party is based on a book by James Trickington. Dwight uses the party to promote Schrute Farms for events. He showcases odd "high-end" services. Memorable moments include Mose acting as a forceful valet. Andy announces guests loudly upon arrival. He forces awkward family interactions.
The party features multiple toasts. Angela and Pam reveal they are both pregnant. They name their sons Phillip, causing a rivalry. Andy's brother, Walter Jr., arrives. Andy tries to recreate a father-son duet. Walter Sr. forces Walter Jr. to sing instead. Robert California gives a strange toast about managers being useless. He says the employees deserve the real credit.
Fan-favorite scenes include the billboard mishap with Andy's photo. Dwight and Mose are seen on a seesaw via Google Street View. The "closing ceremonies" involve Andy and Jim. They have a humorous exchange about who is the best salesman. The episode reveals Andy's deep-seated need for validation. This stems from his difficult relationship with his parents.